Benefits of china rose leaves


Chinese hibiscus contains beneficial antioxidants that counteract all free radicals cause various diseases. Ordinary Chinese hibiscus leaves to reduce fever medicine. Boiled water can be drunk. While water can also be used as a compress and glaze to the entire body. Hibiscus leaves boiled water effective to reduce the heat in children and adults.2. Protection Against Infection.   Hibiscus leaves is rich in Vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants. The nutrients can also make protection of the body from respiratory tract infections, asthma, bronchitis, and cough.3. Treat Cough and Sprue.  


Hair Cleanser

To make a something soothing and cleansing for your scalp, start by making hibiscus tea. I used half a cup of dried hibiscus leaves and three quarters of a quart of hot water.

Then I used half of my tea, mixed it with one third of a cup of apple cider vinegar and a third of a cup of skullcap tea and shook vigorously. You can add essential oils to play with the scent, but it's totally optional. Massage into your scalp to remove oil and dirt buildup and leave in for about 15 minutes. Rinse well with warm water. I was super pleased with how soft my locks felt after this treatment.

